International Public Utility Foundation
for women's empowerment and equality
Newsletters sent to the Millennia2025 Women-Innovation international network
v 01.07.2021.
Millennia2025 digintelles again labelled by UN Women France et Generation Equality Voices!
> Go on contributing by simply answering 7 questions!
Forum Génération Egalité, Paris 2021
The Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation is in!
ZERO MOTHERS DIE 2.0 in the World
Our new free app is published in times of Covid pandemic for pregnant women from around the world, to help them and health profesionnals to be informed on pregnancies and the first year of the baby.
It is here, use it : http://www.zeromothersdie.org/zmd-app.html.
And read ZMD News 2021 from our friends in Ethiopia :
Equality in the light of five SDGs: what progress?
2021-12-09 > [pdf, 55 pages]
NGO-CSW, New York, "Democracy for Human Rights through CEDAW, Advancing respect for human rights", 09.12.2021. (c) M-A Delahaut
"Pour structurer cette analyse [pdf] - written in French with many references in English -, nous avons sélectionné quelque soixante sources représentatives parmi plusieurs centaines d'autres. Nous en proposons des citations référencées que nous avons organisées en cinq chapitres illustrant les cinq ODD analysés en permanence par la Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation résumées sous les titres Santé, Education, Egalité, Justice et Leadership économique".
"De toutes ces études, nous devons retenir que l'égalité est bien un rêve en marche mais que les pas franchis sont fragiles, requérant d'intenses efforts, face aux obstacles du patriarcat, du machisme, de l'obscurantisme, des traditions de domination, de la volonté de pouvoir, des violences, de l'esclavage et des guerres.
Pour tous ces domaines, des pistes éclaireraient les décideurs s'ils comprenaient que travailler sur des statistiques genrées, dans tous les domaines, rendrait justice aux fractures de genre : alors seulement des solutions appropriées pourraient être mise en œuvre. Il s'agit d'une volonté politique à activer, d'un nouveau paradigme basé sur un vaste changement de mentalités".
Seven Events since January 2021 have taken place at the Women Observatory for eHealth, with our partners and international organisations ! Our innovative digital projects to fight COVID-19, EpidemiXs Coronavirus Studies (https://studies.epidemixs.org/en/about-us/), Zero Mothers Die app 2.0, and scientific publications are presented to online publics from more than 30 different countries.
Most presentations are registered, look at them here :
"During your meeting with the Turkish President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in Ankara on April 6, you made several serious mistakes that a pitiful apology cannot erase. We must move forward to resolve them and build their solution. [...]"
> The letter
> Reactions to the letter
v 18.05.2020.
We are honored and happy to announce that Millennia2025 digintelles "Collective intelligence and digital skills as drivers for empowerment" has been labelled by UN Women France and Generation Equality!
Generation Equality Voices is ...
> A citizen's engagement festival organized by UN Women France;
> A citizens' initiative to promote and celebrate an inclusive and intergenerational feminism;
> A double label UN Women France and Generation Equality, with the objective of committing to gender equality in order to build together a more egalitarian world for a full and effective realization of the rights of women and girls!
ONU Femmes France #Millennia2025 #GénérationEgalité #GenerationEquality
> Contribute, in solidarity: just answer the 7 + 1 questions, http://www.millennia2025-foundation.org/votre-contribution_en.html
> 19 May 2020, 6PM (GMT+2) : EpidemiXs Chapter 18 :
Vulnerable and fragile in France: homeless, migrants, refugees
v 06.05.2020.
The Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation's International Voluntary Researchers Network is evolving since 2008!
These 12 years of work and concrete actions encourage us to increase the intensity of our collaboration with our members.
We are therefore mobilizing for the 2025 digintelles deadline in particular and we are requesting your reinforced support:
> Re-join Millennia2025 by completing this expression of interest form!
Together for equality! Thank you already and welcome!
In the context of the global Coronavirus pandemic, the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation is investing maximum efforts through the actions of its WeObservatory under the leadership of Sabine Perrier-Bonnet, also a member of the Scientific Committee of Millennia2025 digintelles:
EpidemiXs is a global health initiative developed by UniversalDoctor for the COVID-19 crisis.
It is launched in France in partnership with experts from the Women Observatory for eHealth of the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation and their partners who contribute to the development of the web application by selecting and validating new scientific information every day, with the support of the Sanofi Espoir Foundation.
Take care of yourself and others ...
In the context of the global Coronavirus pandemic, the Millennia2025 digintelles foresight research "Collective intelligence and Digital skills as drivers for empowerment" is more than ever strategic.
People in confinement everywhere need to activate local collaborations, to implement their skills and to enforce their knowledge of digital tools in order to use them at their best while protecting their privacy.
Women, girls and young generations are particularly concerned to ensure better futures.
> We need your answers to the 7+1 digintelles questions to strenghten our research: with our key-findings we will build, publish and promote resolutions to implement education, equality and economic leadership.
Please take a few minutes to answer! We thank those of You who already did it...
All the UN Women meetings are postponed because of the Covid-19 but we go on working with those UN Teams during weekly online meetings as active member of the UN Women Beijing+25 / Generation Equality Advisory Committee Working Group.
In sisterhood and solidarity!
v 13.01.2020.
"Commission on the Status of Women, Sixty-fourth session, 9-20 March 2020,
Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled "Women 2000 : gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century",
Statement submitted by the Fondation Millennia2025 Femmes et Innovation, and the Institut Destrée, non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is being circulated in accordance with paragraphs 36 and 37 of Economic and Social Council, resolution 1996/31:
v 20.12.2019.
Best wishes to all for 2020! [short video presentation]
v 08.11.2019.
We are preparing digintelles, the new Millennia2025 foresight exercise: its presentation is included in the official documents of the UN Commission on the status of women (CSW64) that will take place in New York in March 2020.
We invite all regions, associations or communities to contribute to digintelles: simply answer to the 7+1 questions online, welcome!
The digintelles survey will remain open to allow you to spread this call to your networks and mobilize them to contribute.
We will present the first results at the Forum Generation Equality, a global gathering for equality between women and men organized by UN Women in Paris from July 7-10 2020, as a commemoration of the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing,
with a particular motivation as Marie-Anne Delahaut is now an active member of the UN Women Beijing+25 / Generation Equality Advisory Committee Working Group.
We will be present to bring your testimonials if you wish!
> Presentation of digintelles [pdf]
> Presenting digintelles to your networks [mp4]
Zero Mothers Die at BBC World 100 Women 2019!
We are also proud to confirm that Dr. Veronique Thouvenot, as co-founder of Zero Mothers Die, is selected as one of the 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2019 as part of BBC's 100 Women initiative, alongside other female leaders, such as Greta Thunberg, who are driving change on behalf of women worldwide.
v 16.07.2019.
The Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation launches the international foresight exercise digintelles: Collective intelligence and digital skills as drivers of empowerment, a strategic thinking for the Millennia2025 Intelligence Platform, third phase of the foresight process, in collaboration with MAD-Skills.
digintelles is a Millennia2025 label meaning "dig" = digital (digital skills); "int" = intelligence (collective intelligence) and "elles" = she, women (empowerment, equality, leadership).
digintelles illustrates and mobilizes the key values of Millennia2025 as detailed in its charter: equality and complementarity between women and men, respect for rights and diversity, enhancement of human capital, digital solidarity and innovation.
We invite you to contribute to our research by answering 8 foresight questions online: thank you for your participation!
v 18.06.2019.
We are very pleased to inform you of the decision of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to grant special consultative status to the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation!
v 15.03.2019.
The Statement of the Millennia2025 Foundation, The Destree Institute and MAD-Skills has been selected among the Official Documents of the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, taking place in New York in March 2019, published and translated by the UN Economic and social Council (ECOSOC):
- UN Women Official documents: http://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw63-2019/official-documents (Document 128);
- EN : https://undocs.org/en/E/CN.6/2019/NGO/128 - [pdf EN]
- FR : https://undocs.org/fr/E/CN.6/2019/NGO/128 - [pdf FR]
- ES : https://undocs.org/es/E/CN.6/2019/NGO/128 - [pdf ES].
> The operator of Millennia2025 MAD-Skills is http://www.MAD-Skills.eu
Publication of the article "Adopting digital technology in midwifery practice - Experiences and perspectives from six projects in eight countries (2014 – 2016)"
by Lilia Perez-Chavolla PhD, Véronique Inès Thouvenot PhD, Doina Schimpf MSc, Amélie Moritz MEng
Journal of the International Society of Telemedicine and eHealth, January 2019
> http://www.m2025-weobservatory.org/uploads/3/9/5/1/39512321/jsfteh_article_2020.pdf
> More articles published for the "Women in eHealth" Special Issue 2019;
> Previous "Women in eHealth" Special Issues 2015 and 2017.
Three new innovative projects joining the WeObservatory in 2019!
From France, New Zealand-South Africa and Goma- Congo DR, the projects provide innovative solutions for maternal health with Artificial Intelligence, Telemedicine and ZMD Mobile App.
The Millennia2025 WeObservatory reaches 30 innovative projects this year. All projects receive enhanced international visibility at conferences and in scientific publications.
Projects are selected along the year by the team of experts:
> http://www.m2025-weobservatory.org/team.html.
> More News in the Millennia2025 Blog!
v 29.09.2018.
Zero Mothers Die, mobile maternal health is at the center of the activities of the Women Observatory for eHealth of the Millennia2025 Foundation. Since 2014, the Observatory and its partners contribute to the development of mobile apps for midwives and pregnant women with Zero Mothers Die app. They are free of charge and Zero Mothers Die app is available in 5 languages, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, Oromo. It is currently under development for Guinea, DR Congo and South Africa. We count on the network of Millennia2025 members to share the app within their professional networks and families.
> Follow the news and the Blog!
Daring to create, innovate and undertake: the objective of MAD-Skills "Master, Apply and Dynamise your skills to learn, share and work" is to develop ICT tools in order to promote your skills and talents to address current and future challenges. As members of Millennia2025, you might indeed need a new website and mailing tools to share at least one of your skills with the Millennia2025 Intelligence Platform:
> tell us about your project, Welcome!
v 23.05.2018.
The Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation builts a new website: www.millennia2025-foundation.org/
It is powered by MAD-Skills.eu "Master, Apply and Dynamise your skills" to learn, teach and work. You will soon benefit from this project
It completes the Millennia2025 foresight research process huge knowledge database you still visit: www.millennia2015.org
It also promotes the Millennia2025 WeObservatory for women and eHealth: www.m2025-weobservatory.org. Welcome!
Recently selected at the WeObservatory, “My Health, My Story” is presented at international conferences, and the exposition will continue with the support of our partners. They are in rural Nepal, they suffer of uterine (pelvic) prolapsus, they make photos of their lives after being trained by Sophie Inglin:
> www.m2025-weobservatory.org/my-health-my-story.html
The Women Economic Forum awards Marie-Anne Delahaut with the "Women of the Decade in Community Leadership" prize for Millennia2025.
It was presented to her by Dr Harbeen Arora, President of the Women Economic Forum and of ALL Ladies League, during the WEF international conference organized in The Hague, 8-9 March 2018. New partnerships are activated!
> www.millennia2015.org/Women_Economic_Forum_Award_2018_EN
v 06.03.2018.
The Women Economic Forum has invited Marie-Anne Delahaut to present three contributions at its International Forum in The Hague, 08-09 March:
- Challenges in Education & Women’s Economic Empowerment;
- The Magic Of Wonders- Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Start-ups;
- Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment.
> www.wef.org.in/wef-the-hague-2018/
> www.millennia2015.org/Women_Economic_Forum_Award_2018_EN
The 62nd session of the UN Commission on the status of women (CSW62) will also take place soon in New York, 12-23 March 2018: the written statement presented by the Millennia2025 Foundation and The Destree Institute is selected among the CSW62 Official Documents, translated in French, English and Spanish, about "Share and apply your skills for innovation and women's empowerment with the Millennia2025 Intelligence Platform":
> http://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw62-2018/official-documents (document 163),
> http://undocs.org/E/CN.6/2018/NGO/163
v 07.02.2018.
The concrete action Millennia2025 MAD-Skills : Share and value your Skills for innovation and women's empowerment of the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation has been selected and published in the UN WSIS Stocktaking 2018 (search "Millennia2025") and nominated for the WSIS Prize 2018 !
Vote for us, in the Section 15, before Sunday 18th February 2018:
> Presentation of the concrete action and procedure to vote: http://www.mad-skills.eu/index.html
> Direct link to vote: https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/prizes/2018/ (Section 15)
v Via Millennia2015: News from the networks
Via Millennia2015: News from the networks: more than 400 news about women's empowerment and equality, including pdf studies and documents presented by the Millennia2025 international Voluntary Researchers' Network
> www.millennia2015.org/Via_Millennia
Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation
Organization in Special Consultative Status
with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) since 2019
(c) https://www.Millennia2025-Foundation.org
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